Sustainable Transportation Webinar

Event Date: 09/10/2024

Event Time: 12:00 am

Cost: Free

Venue: Virtual Webinar

Organizer: West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum and Kent County Essential Needs Task Force (ENTF)

Join Us for an Engaging Discussion on Sustainable Transportation and Community Equity

Michigan Sustainable Business Forum, Kent County Essential Needs Task Force (ENTF), and Praxis invite you to a thought-provoking conversation on the vital role sustainable transportation plays in enhancing both the sustainability and equity of our communities.

In West Michigan, single-occupancy vehicles dominate the daily commute, leading to increased traffic congestion, higher greenhouse gas emissions, and significant costs related to gas, parking, and vehicle maintenance. This discussion will explore alternative transportation options such as bus, vanpool, and biking, and how these modes can save time and money while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

We’ll also introduce Grand Rapids Active Commute Week, a community-wide initiative aimed at encouraging the use of sustainable transportation options. Participants will have the opportunity to log their “green trips” and witness firsthand the positive impact they’re making by reducing their carbon footprint.

Why You Should Attend?

  • Gain Insight: Learn from experts about how sustainable transportation can transform our community by promoting environmental sustainability and social equity.
  • Save Money and Time: Discover how alternative commuting options can reduce your daily expenses and time spent in traffic.
  • Make an Impact: Be part of a movement that contributes to a cleaner, healthier West Michigan by embracing sustainable transportation.
  • Engage with Community Leaders: Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to making Grand Rapids a better place to live and work.

This webinar is put on in partnership with Active Commute Week.
