Women in Sustainability: Making HERstory
March 31, 2021
As part of Women’s History Month in March, West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum had the honor of celebrating many women in sustainability. We are excited to recognize so many women who are making HERstory by leaving a positive impact on our communities and planet for both current and future generations to come.
Acknowledging that women before us have paved the way for us to thrive, we recognize that we have the obligation to lift each other up and amplify our stories. We asked these women to not only share about themselves and the great work that they do, but to share how another woman’s words or actions have inspired the way they live and lead.

Laura Goos | City of St Joseph
“I was in a remarkable cohort of women at MSU’s Executive Leadership for Women course and the instructors had us talking about high- and low-powered language. Low-powered language is often used by women who ‘apologize’ for having a life outside of work. A life that includes a partner and children shouldn’t be apologized for and I realized in that moment, with the support of these other amazing women, that I didn’t have to apologize.” Laura graduated from MSU and has more than 25 years’ experience in Human Resources, lending her talents at Whirlpool, Cascade Engineering, and most recently at United Way. In addition to her corporate experiences, Laura has also been active in the community through local nonprofits & government and is currently the Mayor Pro Tem of the City of St. Joseph, MI.

Dain Gates | Grand Rapids Activist
“My passion is derived from my dear grandmother who told me, ‘Never forget where you came from’. Her wise words from the past continue to inspire me, making the person I am today, keeping me humble and focused.” Dain Gates is a concerned citizen and engaged community resident of Grand Rapids who proudly works to increase voter registration & advocate for affordable housing for all.

Angelita Valdez | Servicios de Esperanza, LLC
“My mother has always said ‘There are people who work 8-5 and others that work from the heart’. This concept has moved me through my education and in my business model as it shows me that my work has always been about my community and much bigger than myself.” Angelita Valdez is a Behavioral Health Therapist and the Chief Executive Officer and proud Owner of Servicios de Esperanza, LLC providing bilingual therapy, substance abuse counseling and play therapy for families and children.

Mikayla Rowden | Stillwind Farms
“A dear friend this past year was a consistent teacher to me, in both words and action. As we worked alongside each other, she reminded me of the significance of rest, boundaries, and healthy challenge. The significance of saying no….I am learning that caring for one’s self intersects directly with the care you express to those around you.” This past fall, Mikayla founded Stillwind Farms, where she practices no-till methods, filling the land with mixed produce and herbs, and a space for community members to find rest or conversation.

Kelly McElroy | SustainabiliME Podcast & DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant
“One quote that I really like is from Jane Goodall – ‘What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.’ I decided that in order to make a difference, I needed to start learning more about what actions I could take to better the environment. Doing that has had a ripple effect with my friends, family, and podcast listeners and it feels good knowing that we are collectively making a positive difference.” Kelly is a Civil Engineer at the DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant. Outside of work, she hosts a podcast called SustainabiliME that highlights individuals, groups, and companies that are doing positive things related to sustainability.

Amy Butler | Michigan State University
“My favorite quote that defines my success both from a career and from a sustainability perspective is, ‘Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can’.” Amy Butler is the Director of Sustainability for Michigan State University, providing a holistic and sustainable approach to the university’s mission of advancing the common good.

Mary Jo Schnell | OutCenter of Southwest Michigan
“The realization that my path, while fairly different but successful, always makes me think of a quote from Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, a quote that was part of honoring my mom at her memorial service: ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’ To be honest, I’m still finding out.” MaryJo Schnell is Executive Director of OutCenter of Southwest Michigan, leveraging her 30 years’ experience in the nonprofit sector.

Kristen Wieland | Kent County Department of Public Works
“JFK once said ‘Only those who dare to fail miserably will ever achieve greatly’ and that’s something that I’ve reflected on at different stages of my career. If we let fear of failure stop us from trying something new or daring to step outside our comfort zone we’ll miss out on some amazing opportunities.” Kristen Wieland has 15 years of experience leading and managing change initiatives in West Michigan that reduce waste and grow the circular economy. She is currently the Communications and Marketing Manager of Kent County Department of Public Works.

Marty Gerencer | West Michigan Food Processing Association
“My quote that I live by is from my mom. She always said, ‘We may be down, but we never give up, we just don’t, and we can do it our way’. There are many times the only reason I kept going was because of this quote.” Marty Gerencer is the Executive Director of West Michigan Food Processing Association, building her career on many accolades including representing women and farmers of color on the US Dept. of Agriculture Advisory Committee, being appointed to the Michigan Food Policy Council, and helping to secure funding to launch the HEALTHY Muskegon Network and Muskegon Food Hub.

Yumiko Jakobcic | Grand Valley State University
“My PhD advisor, Patricia Stokowski, always encouraged balance: ‘To do this hard work, of course you have to dedicate time to rigorous studies, but you also need leisure. Take some time to do something enjoyable and that will allow your mind to welcome new ideas on how to approach the research.’ She has helped me to balance finishing my dissertation with fun activities for my girls.” Dr. Yumiko Jakobcic is the Director of Grand Valley State University’s Office of Sustainability Practices. She previously served as the Executive Director of the Winooski Valley Park District, managing eighteen parks across seven communities in Vermont.

Devan Dodge | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy
“My mom, Jody Dodge, who passed away in 2018, has been the greatest mentor and influence in my life. She served as a City Council [member] and Mayor Pro Tem for over 18 years and inspired me to have a career in civil service as well. The greatest advice she ever gave me, which I will always live; ‘don’t stop standing for what you believe is right… even if you’re the only one standing’. This has been crucial advice in my professional life.” Devan Dodge is a Sustainability Specialist for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), where she provides pollution prevention and sustainability assistance for Michigan businesses and communities, which includes training, networking, recognition, and financial support.

Erika VanDyke | Grand Rapids Community Foundation
“I have a sticky note on my computer with a quote from local organizer Danah Montgomery, from a panel she spoke on last fall: ‘Who am I accountable to?’ Remembering that I consider myself accountable to communities of color that have historically been marginalized from access to institutional power and resources helps keep me centered on days that feel overwhelming and discouraging.” Erika VanDyke was born in Bogotá, Colombia and grew up in Grand Rapids. She regularly participates in the Latina Network of West Michigan, serves as the Communications Coordinator for the Latino Community Coalition, and works as Program Officer at the Grand Rapids Community Foundation.

Laura Young | Michigan State University
“’Focus on the things you can change and don’t worry about the rest.’ I admit I can still get caught up in a frenzy with what feels like a never-ending to do list, but taking a step back to remember this great advice from my mentor has paid dividends personally and professionally.” Laura Young serves as a Sustainability Program Coordinator within the Office of Sustainability at Michigan State University. In this role, she develops and promotes sustainability programs, coordinates the Student Sustainability Leadership Council, and supports tracking and reporting sustainability metrics for the university.

Sarah Chartier | Spectrum Health System
“The quote that guides me daily is from the iconic Fannie Lou Hammer who was implementing sustainability practices into community businesses while leading as a civil rights activist. The quote is ‘Nobody’s free until everybody’s free’. Never be afraid to advocate for yourself, pitch that idea or ask questions. The worst you will hear is no and you’re destined for the same result when you don’t speak up.” Sarah Chartier is the Senior Sustainability Project Manager at Spectrum Health System. She works to create systemic change through collaboration focused on embedding equitable and sustainable practices into organizational operations. Sarah is also the current President of the Board of Directors for West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum.

Hanna Schulze | People First Economy
“When we identify where our privilege intersects with someone else’s oppression, we’ll find our opportunities to make real change.” -Ijeoma Oluo, Author. Hanna serves as the President of People First Economy and has over 10 years of experience in economic development and working with the business community across the state of Michigan. She is also passionate about advocating for her neighborhood and sits on both the Garfield Park Neighborhood Association board and the South Division/Grandville Avenue Corridor Improvement Authority.

Brittany Goode | Aldea Coffee
“A quote I’ve always loved: ‘Just do what must be done, this may not be happiness but it is greatness’ – George Bernard Shaw. This quote has always reminded me why I’m doing something, even if I am struggling through it at times.” Brittany Goode has been working for Aldea Coffee for around 6 years. From its inception, sustainability has been at the forefront and Brittany has served as an ambassador for the Alliance for the Great Lakes and organized beach cleanups and workshops.

Gillian Giem | U.S. Green Building Council WM Chapter
“Ciarra Adkins’s approach to entrepreneurship which lifts the collective community has left a lasting impression on me. In a conversation regarding authentic relationships, she quoted someone else to me that, ‘Your network is your net worth’. Investing genuinely in friendships in personal and professional life has compounding benefits, yes to your business ventures, but to the wellbeing of the whole.” Gillian Giem is the Program Manager for the U.S. Green Building Council of West Michigan. Her work aims to accelerate carbon emissions reductions in Michigan’s built environment through promoting smart energy management, multimodal mobility, and regenerative building design and operations.

Sarah Brant | Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
Sarah Brant was born and raised in Southwest Detroit and is a registered member of the Muncey Delaware Nation. She is a full-time student at Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College, working to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Native American Studies. She brings over 16 years of experience in the various roles of education, leadership, advocacy, and community organizing that serve and help the Indigenous communities in Michigan. Sarah is dedicated to being a safe ally for youth that have been displaced due to family trauma, the child welfare system, domestic violence, and systemic challenges and is delighted to be a source that assists in cultural competence and trauma-informed sources for care, food sovereignty, and financial literacy.

Carol Helsel | Third Coast Test & Balance
“A colleague I worked with for a number of years would frequently say that her team may not get the answer they want or like what she says, but they will always know where she stands. This mantra earned her the reputation of being honest, trustworthy, forthright, and having no hidden agendas.” Carol is the General Manager of Third Cast Test and Balance, a company providing HVAC testing and balancing services for a wide range of organizations and industries. In her role, she is focused on increasing the awareness of how testing and balancing HVAC systems helps to optimize indoor air quality, ensure energy efficiency, and extend the life of your equipment.

Paola Mendivil | El Granjero Mexican Grill
“My mom, Mercedes Lopez, always says, ‘Querer es poder’. When you want something, you find a way, when you don’t, you find excuses. That’s why we need other women to lift one another, and to hold each other accountable while we share our journeys to success and happiness.” Paola R. Mendivil, CTA is Catering Coordinator for her family business, El Granjero Mexican Grill. The restaurant was named Top Women-Owned Business by the Grand Rapids Business Journal and she was named one of the Top 50 Latinas in Michigan by the Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan.

Kari Bliss | PADNOS
“When you take a stick and draw it across the sand it starts as a light, barely noticeable line. As we continue to go back and forth along the path it gets deeper. In the same way, practicing something new deepens your neural pathway creating a new habit. Be intentional with your actions. We succeed or we learn; either way we grow.” ~Jodi DeRoo. Kari leads Customer Experience & Sustainability at PADNOS, an industrial recycler of paper, plastics, metals, and electronics. She is a GreenBiz certified professional, Leading the Sustainability Transformation, a board member of the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum, and the Treasurer of the Society of Plastic Engineers Recycling Division.

Sophie Stoepker | Sierra Club
“I would have to say that one of Maya Angelou’s quotes has really stuck with me throughout the years – ‘My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.’” Sophie Stoepker is the West Michigan Clean Energy Organizer for the Sierra Club working on the Beyond Coal and Ready for 100 Campaigns.

Ashley Fahey | Goodyear Tire Company
“Don’t ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility. Make decisions based on what should happen, not what shouldn’t.” – Michelle Obama. Ashley is a sustainability professional and a proud transgender woman, currently working as Sustainability Principal for The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, based in Akron, Ohio. Originally from West Michigan, Ashley has over 10 years of experience in sustainability, including seven years with Steelcase before joining Goodyear in 2018.

Christina Britton | Meijer
“One of my biggest role models is Vicky Keramida. She is a brilliant woman, engineer, and businesswoman, and she has taught me to take the time to do work right the first time. When I’m tempted to cut corners, I hear Vicky’s voice in my head and take the extra time to put my whole self into the task at hand.” Christina Britton is a Senior Sustainability Analyst at Meijer with a passion for improving the ways that people impact the world and one another. In her role at Meijer, she is responsible for environmental data management and reporting, strategy development, and leadership of the Meijer Sustainability Council. Christina also leads Meijer’s electric vehicle charging strategy and supports internal and external sustainability communications.

Elena Lioubimtseva | Grand Valley State University
“My maternal grandmother, Maria, was the most influential person in my life to whom I am indebted forever for her kindness and incredible support….Her both brave and gentle influence helped to develop love for nature and understanding of its healing powers.” Dr. Elena Lioubimtseva, GVSU is full Professor of Geography and Sustainable Planning at GVSU. Her teaching and research interests include environmental geography, climate change, sustainable land-use planning, landscape analysis, and green infrastructure.

Courtney Carlson | SpartanNash
“One person that has recently been a great inspiration to me is my friend Brittany Bacinski….One quote of hers that I love is, ‘If you’re passionate about something, to your core, do it and it will be successful.’ She reminds me to follow my heart and my passions and I am so thankful for her inspiration.” Courtney Carlson has worked as the Community Engagement Specialist at SpartanNash since 2015, supporting communities all over the United States.

Carly Hysell | Muskegon County
“People who shine from within don’t need the spotlight” are words that Carly lives by. Carly Hysell has worked as a public servant for the County of Muskegon for 11 years with an increasing role in the sustainability initiatives over the last 9 years. Carly is someone who enjoys working behind the scenes on the sustainability projects and goals throughout Muskegon County.

Deirdre Courtney | Western Michigan University
“African American communities are disproportionately impacted by climate change and tend to suffer the most. It has become increasingly important that we must act. Angela Davis, African American scholar, and activist said it best, with this quote that resonates with me the most; ‘I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change…I’m changing the things I cannot accept’. We must stand for human rights and equality for all.” In addition to her work on her Ph.D. at Western Michigan University, Deirdre Courtney is a Climate Change Displacement and Marginalized Populations Member, and a member of the National Black Climate Action Network.

Shanyn Viars | American Rivers
“As Julianne Malveaux said, ‘It was never reasonable or fair that women should shoulder the burden of household management, but it is possible that in an effort to move toward gender parity, some of the art and science of household management and gracious living have been lost.’ Much like the history of household management, women have been forced to shoulder the burdens of climate change, and yet we continue to be underrepresented in the fields of environmental science and economics. As a woman, I contribute a necessary uniqueness to re-imagine this world as a sustainable, equitable society and economy while also infusing some much-needed art and grace into the profession.” Shanyn Viars is an economist at American Rivers, a trusted and influential river conservation organization that delivers solutions for a better future.

Kimberly Jorgensen Gane | Gane Facilitation & Consulting
“My quote is from Loretta J. Ross, co-founder of SisterSong. During a reproductive justice training I attended, when asked what she would say to white women, her reply was, ‘I don’t need you to help me. … Help yourselves and get out of the way’. Profound!” Author, speaker, and activist Kim Jorgensen Gane uses storytelling to connect her lived experience as a girl, a sexual assault survivor, and as a white woman mothering two generations of kids, to work in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and People of Color to improve state, local and national policy and to help people connect their values and lived experience with how they vote.

Kris Spaulding | Brewery Vivant & Broad Leaf Local Beer
“A bunch of women were sharing a meal around the time of the GRBJ Most Influential Women event and someone asked Deb Bailey why she wasn’t on the list given her huge influence in our community. She responded that after receiving that designation for two publications in a row she no longer accepted those nominations since there are so many amazing women in our community that are just as deserving but may not get that recognition if the same people accept it every year. I loved that she made a conscious decision to let go of the very human desire for recognition and instead refocused the spotlight on others.” Kris Spaulding is the President & Owner of Brewery Vivant and Broad Leaf Local Beer, a Certified B Corp and the nation’s first LEED certified microbrewery.

Anne Hertl | Anne Hertl Consulting
“I have held onto a quote from activist Dolores Huerta for a long time, ‘Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world’. It reminds me to hold hope in humanity for being capable and determined to change the world for the better.” Anne Hertl is the Principal & Senior Consultant at Anne Hertl Consulting that centers racial justice and climate resiliency.

Annabelle Wilkinson | City of Grand Rapids
“A quote that really sticks with me is from Bell Hooks: ‘The process begins with the individual woman’s acceptance that American women, without exception, are socialized to be racist, classist and sexist, in varying degrees and that labeling ourselves feminists does not change the fact that we must consciously work to rid ourselves of the legacy of negative socialization’. This quote reminds me that only by accepting and addressing these negative socializations can intersectional feminism thrive in unity.” Annabelle Wilkinson is the Sustainability Specialist at the City of Grand Rapids. Her areas of interest are climate and environmental justice, the intersection of sustainability and equity, affordable housing, collaboration with community, neighborhood revitalization, and climate action and adaptation planning.

Janay Brower | Public Thread
“’Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.’― Howard Thurman. In my life I have played in the space of doing what others wanted, what I thought others wanted of me, what I thought I wanted, and then finally in alignment with what I am here to do. This (r)evolution of my spirit has been critical to me being able to do the work I am doing as it is largely uncharted territory.” Janay Brower is the Founder and CEO of Public Thread, a textile upcycling company founded in 2016 in her kitchen. Public Thread diverts post-industrial scrap and surplus textiles from the landfill, creates living wage jobs, and supports a triple bottom line creative economy.

Wendy Ogilvie | Grand Valley Metro Council
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Wendy Ogilvie joined the Grand Valley Metro Council in 2013 as the Director of Environmental Programs, bringing her expertise of over 25 years in watershed and stormwater management. Her work focuses on convening and developing partnerships to build capacity in addressing environmental issues.

Deborah Steketee | Aquinas College
“Capturing my attention are the words of Frances R. Westley, ‘Maybe’ comes with no guarantees, only a chance… ‘Maybe’ is not a cautious word. It is a defiant claim of possibility in the face of a status quo we are unwilling to accept. Those of us who see possibilities for transformation of deeply embedded systems recognize the persistence and dogged determination that this work of change requires. It is the “maybe” that will propel us forward to something better.” Deborah M. Steketee, PhD, serves as Professor of Sustainable Business and Chair of the Sustainable Business Department at Aquinas College, where she has contributed to the development of a new generation of business leaders.

Briana Meeker | PADNOS
“Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.”— Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet. Briana Meeker runs PADNOS’ newest division at the Wyoming plant, Sustainability City, 18,000 square feet of dedicated innovation space to find solutions for customers’ most difficult materials. Outside of work, Briana runs her own zero waste platform, helping her peers adopt easy habits to improve their relationship with our planet. She is also on the board of GreenMichigan.org, running educational workshops for the community on waste reduction and tips for going green.