COVID-19 Resources: Education, Funding, and Other Sources
January 18, 2021
Disproportionate Impacts
WMSBF List of Resources/Articles on Disproportionate Impacts from COVID-19
WMSBF Sustainability and COVID Webinar Series
Environmental/Climate Articles and Resources
The Post-Virus Economic Recovery Could Be a Green One
The Climate Crisis Will be Just as Shockingly Abrupt
Why We Can’t Ignore the Link Between COVID-19, Climate Change and Inequity
Global, National, and Local Information
Reopening and Adaptation
Michigan Economic Development Corporation: PMBC COVID-19 Procurement Platform
Spectrum Health Employer Guide: Preparing and Adapting Your Work Environment- welcoming employees back, ongoing support, tools & resources
COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines: Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) & MI Department of Labor & Opportunity presentation
Global /National Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus Dashboard: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
State of Michigan/Grand Rapids
Vaccine Centers
West Michigan Vaccine Clinic: Learn More & Sign-Up
General Assistance
Volunteering, Needs, and Donation
Heart of West Michigan United Way: volunteer support, needs, and donation to Coronavirus Response Fund
Senior Neighbors: resources, delivering groceries, pharmacy runs
211: Flyer in English and Spanish
General Funding Sources
Kent County COVID-19 Recovery Fund: Grand Rapids Community Foundation- equity focus (most impacted), nonprofit financial stability, small business support
Capital Resources Available to Michigan Businesses Affected by COVID-19
Immigrant Relief Fund: Ottawa County fund for community members who have been denied state/federal aid, click here to donate
Business Resources
West Michigan COVID-19 Business Coalition: legislation, continuity, organizations, employee resources, best practices, health updates
Michigan COVID Business Response Center: Business Best Practices
U.S. Small Business Administration: guidance and loan resources, and relief options
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program: FAQs and loan help
MEDC Programs for Small Businesses During COVID-19: reopening, relief, funding, tech startup
Miller Johnson Coronavirus Business Guide
Miller Johnson COVID-19 Plan Framework: Preparedness and Response Plan
COVID-19 Implications for Business: Updated January 13, 2021
Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity: Unemployment Information for Employers
Restaurant Opportunities Centers United: national direct financial assistance, national organizing & support
Business Resources List: Local First
Preparedness, Resilience, and Response, and Best Practices
Miller Johnson COVID-19 Plan Framework: Preparedness and Response Plan
Michigan COVID Business Response Center: Business Best Practices
ENTF Food Assistance: map of open sites for food assistance
WMSBF supports corporate and institutional food recovery (en español también)
Love Local GR: guide local businesses still offering services/delivery
Local Restaurant Carryout and Delivery Guide: Experience GR
Best Practices for Food Establishments to Manage Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Mercy Health COVID: testing centers, etc.
Mental Health and COVID-19 Resources in Kent County
Michigan Coronavirus Information
Stay Home, Stay MIndful: Headspace (mindfulness/meditation) for free for Michiganders
Coping in the Age of COVID-19: Taking Care of You as You Take Care of Others
Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan: podcast on “Navigating Your Mental Health During Quarantine”
Free Online Course: Yale- The Science of Well-being
Class Central: free online courses
45 Free Online Courses: taken by end of the year
500 Free Online Courses from Ivy League Schools
En español (and other languages)
Multilingual Resource Database//Base de datos con recursos multilingües: Google sheet with National, Michigan and organizational resources in multiple languages created by LatinxGR//Google sheet con recursos nacionales, estatales y organizacionales en idiomas diferentes creado por LatinxGR
Translated Materials Folder//Carpeta de Documentos Traducidos: folders of translated documents and materials in 31 languages including Spanish created by LatinxGR//carpetas con documentos traducidos en 31 idiomas incluyendo español creado por LatinxGR
State of Michigan Coronavirus//Coronavirus en Michigan
COVID-19: In Our Communities//COVID-19: COVID-19 en nuestras comunidades: videos in Spanish with Bo Torres and Guillermo Cisneros with Spectrum Health//videos en español con Bo Torres y Guillermo Cisneros con Spectrum Health
Herramientas para dueños de negocios: Google folder from West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce//Carpeta Google de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana del Oeste de Michigan
Volante de Spectrum Health: Usted tiene síntomas?
Volante: Cómo prepararse para el coronavirus
Volante: Distanciamiento social, auto-monitoreo, cuarentena, aislamiento
Latinx Talent Toolkit: WMHCC for Latinx students: resources, university updates, technology, self-care, employment, housing, etc.//para estudiantes latinx: recursos, actualizaciones universitarias, tecnología, cuidado personal, empleo, alojamiento, etc.
Resources for Undocumented Communities//Recursos para comunidades indocumentadas
Translation Services
Latinx GR Volunteer Translation/Interpretation: to translate short (one paragraph) written materials to Spanish and other languages