Lakeshore Sustainability Forum
The WMSBF Satellite Driving Local Outcomes in Ottawa and Muskegon Counties
Serving Lakeshore Businesses and the Community
In 2018 we began developing what would become the Lakeshore Sustainability Forum with support from the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, Grand Haven Area Community Foundation and local businesses. Through this satellite, West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum provides local engagement and technical assistance to industry, main street businesses, and local institutions and government in northern Ottawa County and the Lakeshore as part of regional and statewide programs focused on advancing social justice, climate leadership and the creation of a circular economy.
- In-person educational events and networking happy hours
- Local newsletter and media
- Engaging local property owners to support green stormwater infrastructure
- Ottawa County Sustainable Materials Management Project
- Climate and environmental justice on the Lakeshore
- Fair Food Project supporting local migrant farmworkers

Advancing a Circular Economy and Sustainable Business
The Lakeshore Sustainability Forum is working to increase recognition of the value of sustainability projects and their potential for the community. We are providing opportunities for local sustainability champions to share their efforts and encouraging more professionals and organizations to adopt similar practices, and continue to develop local capacity for sustainability leadership. With support from the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation, we are also centering the Lakeshore in regional and statewide decarbonization and circular economy initiatives, developing strategic projects and initiatives that elevate local leadership:
- Sustainable business roundtables
- Guiding improvements for commercial recycling and composting
- Advancing use of recycled content among local manufacturers
- Outlining end-of-life concerns for renewal energy products
- Food Waste Pollution Prevention Road Map
- Virchew: A consumer education program focused on the sustainability of menu ingredients that will be piloted at local restaurants.
Are You A Local Professional On the Lakeshore Interested in Supporting Sustainability?
Please contact Rose Spickler at to learn more or join us at our next event.

Upcoming Events