Recycling Bins for Business or Schools
At RecycleBoxBin, we believe recycling has become part of our culture and our habits. Waste service companies are increasing the number of materials that can be recycled. Every company can reduce their carbon footprint by starting, or expanding their recycling program.
To have a successful recycling program bins need to be convenient and close by. Containers sized for offices and schools can become costly to distribute adequately in a facility. RecycleBoxBin was designed to provide a low cost, cleanly designed bin that fits well in the board room, break room or classroom.
Superior products and concepts are the result of superior employees. We are a US company located in Grand Rapids, Michigan using local materials. We ship anywhere in the 48 contiguous US states. We utilize the UPS carbon neutral shipping program to ship all our products.

3555 32nd St. SE, Suite B
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Sarah Pfeiffle