Integrated Architecture
Integrated Architecture is committed to education for ourselves and our clients. We are committed to providing each client with the best possible built environment. We do this by constantly seeking new ideas, materials and resources and utilizing them to respond to the unique needs of each project. We will continually strive to understand the complex relationship between ourselves and the earth and to create buildings that appropriate light, energy, sound, color, space and materials in ways that complement the natural environment and positively impact the people that use them.
Green design is no longer a luxury, it is a mandate. The architects, engineers and designers at IA are personally and professionally committed to sustainability. The IA team utilize a number of design tools and guidelines to inform and measure our efforts including LEED and the Living Building Challenge. IA staff are Living Building Challenge Ambassadors and LEED Accredited Professionals.

Integrated Architecture
4090 Lake Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Cynthia Holmes
Financial & Corporate Services Manager