geff LP
Focused on Your Solution
geff – generation efficiency provides energy efficiency-focused consulting, project management, planning, installation, operational, and financial services for clients’ industrial, commercial, large residential, and/or institutional operations, applying the concept of “people, systems, and technology” to energy management and optimization.
geff LP is the US-subsidiary of geff GmbH, and is a member of the international “generation efficiency”-Network (geff Network).
geff and its Network are capable of servicing practically any aspect of facility or process-related energy optimization project, offering:
• a modular yet holistic portfolio of services;
• a technology (and brand)-neutral perspective towards all potential solutions;
• support in financing optimization projects;
• an energy savings guarantee;
• ongoing monitoring solutions;
• and the development of unique and innovative new solutions for complex problems.
They approach energy from the perspective of examining overall energy demand, and analyze, optimize, and ensure efficiency at the total energy consumption level, individual component energy consumption level, and equipment efficiency (electrical and mechanical) levels for ventilation, heating, cooling, compressed air, lighting, etc. – basically covering the entire facility infrastructure system.
Their team guides clients through the entire optimization process, providing individualized, modular services for everything from the initial analysis and planning, to the implementation and execution, to even the financing of the project. Sustainable and long-lasting savings successes are ensured via the training of employees and deployment of monitoring systems.
In every project that geff LP does, it focuses on the three most important factors within an optimization process. The behavior of the users (people), the system as a whole (system), and the technologies being used in that system (technology) are treated as a unified element. They attune these three factors with each other in order to thereby reach the right balance. This allows geff LP to reach the optimal level of energy efficiency for our clients.
geff Partners have been doing energy efficiency projects for the last 30 years, and in the past 10 years managed to help their customers save more than 500 million kWh.

geff LP
5460 33rd Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(302) 482 – 4872