Fleis & VandenBrink
Design. Build. Operate.
Following its clients’ lead, F&V is committed to sustaining its community in ways that preserve the natural environment and support future growth that is smart and sustainable. Their staff has the experience, resources and desire to help improve communities, well-being and the environment – both today and in the future.
Throughout the design process, they focus on delivering a top-notched project while balancing the sustainable goals summarized by the triple bottom line. They are committed to providing:
- A significant benefit to the communities in which they live and serve.
- Innovative design solutions which are financially sound, considering both current costs and future operation and maintenance costs.
- Environmentally-responsible solutions which provide realistic efficiencies and protect current resources.
This philosophy is embraced by the engineers and architects at F&V. Their projects contain sustainable components as they relate to the protection of resources, reclamation of contaminated land, development of clean and renewable water supplies, treatment and recycling of wastewater, protection of fragile shorelines, building energy audits and hundreds of other projects. Their projects are the building blocks to effectively establishing healthy communities and improving the environmental conditions in which people live.
Our proven innovation in award-winning projects has led to a commitment to continually explore new methodologies. The implementation of their sustainable approach has been evidenced in the awards their firm and their clients have received for projects that were lauded for their innovative and exemplary applications, sustainable development, efficiencies, and public perception. F&V received several awards for both Engineering and Surveying excellence from the American Council of Engineering Companies – MI.

Fleis & VandenBrink
2960 Lucerne Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Kendall Beck