CRCNA Office of Social Justice
The Christian Reformed Church in North America’s Climate Witness Project (CWP) was born out of Synod’s 2012 Creation Stewardship Task Force study, that concluded:
1) Climate change is occurring and is very likely due to human activity
2) Human-induced climate change is a moral, ethical, and religious issue
3) Human-induced climate change poses a significant threat to future generations, the poor, and the vulnerable
4) Human-induced climate change, as a global phenomenon, poses a significant challenge to us all
5) Urgent action at the personal, communal, and political levels is required to address climate change
In 2015, the CRC’s Office of Social Justice launched the CWP which created and sustains a network of congregations that share resources and experiences aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change, including:
1) Energy Stewardship (reducing congregations’ use of fossil fuels)
2) Worship (addressing creation care through liturgy, singing, Bible reading and sermons)
3) Education (offering book studies, films, discussions, and speakers on creation care and climate change)
4) Advocacy (lobbying public officials, writing Op Eds)
Today, the project has nearly 500 Partners from well over 70 congregations.

CRCNA Office of Social Justice
2301 Prospect ES
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
(616) 581-2020
Steve Mulder
Climate Witness Project Field Coordinator